La teiera basculante pensata per tè
Jasmine is the tilting ceramic teapot with an emotional design that subverts the ancient ritual. It is the first self-production project of Design Gang that has taken care of all the phases: design, production, communication and sales.
The project, as it is free, was born and is the result of various reflections. From the point of view of semantic design it answers the question: why should I move a hot and heavy object (the teapot) to another cold and light one (the cup) when I could do the opposite? The tilting teapot characterized by a basic reflection on the experience design of its use.
Even the cup has an unconventional shape, designed to accommodate the jet of tea that is poured into space, thanks to its ogival design. At the level of experience, the teapot is also designed to be at the center of a table and recreate a ritual. It is deliberately different in its form, compared to traditional teapots, because it gathers guests around it and is a narrative cue, the central nucleus of conviviality.